About us..
Pickles & Lillies is a family-run, small, independent shop that specialises in organic and sustainable children's clothing, toys and gifts.
We stock products for the littlest babies up to children of 10 years old. When sourcing lovely things for the shop we try to be a little bit different, stocking things that we personally love that you won't find on every high street. Where possible, we support UK small businesses but also work with some of the better-known British brands.
This combination hopefully makes a gorgeous mix of products, all with sustainable and ethical production at their heart (and a lot of the awww factor too).
Our little shop is located in a medieval building on the High Street of the beautiful Suffolk village of Lavenham.
We hope that you’ll be able to visit us soon but until then, you can get your fix of Pickles & Lillies cuteness right here.
Thank you and happy shopping x